Why is Outdoor Learning Important for Children?
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Rain or shine, children love a bit of time in the outdoors. Whether it’s jumping through puddles in their wellies or sifting through flowers in the garden, it’s a time that brings them happiness and joy. Studies have even confirmed this with a greater satisfaction and lower levels of anxiety amongst children who spend time outdoors.
For this reason, as well as many others, there has been a widespread shift in teaching practices used in schools with many now calling themselves “forest schools”. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of outdoor learning for children.
Greater Confidence
As children are given the reins to take control of their own learning and discover the outside world, they can gain confidence.
Mental Health Benefits
Being stuck indoors can’t be good for anyone’s’ mental health, least of all children. We all need vitamin D and fresh air. Outdoor learning also presents children the opportunity to run around and just be themselves which they can’t inside. They must adhere to health and safety and make little noise.
Physical Health Benefits
Going back to what we mentioned about roaming freely, there are various surfaces and objects to also interact with like trees. They can use them to climb, run around safely and do a range of cool physical activities on grass which can help them with their gross motor skills.
Making Friends
Children can also form groups and work within those during their outdoor learning activities. It gives them the chance to get to know their peers and make friends.
Teacher Bonding
The same is so for relationships with teachers. It’s a less formal environment and their teacher can work alongside them to help them.
There’s also the fun aspect. If children enjoy school, they will be more likely to do well and attend. They can also create fun memories to look back on with their friends when they’re older.