How to Raise a Team Player
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In raising a team player it’s important to give your child the skills and strength to work things out on their own. And that also comes with giving your child the ability to communicate, solve problems and make key decisions in groups. Thankfully, a lot of schools like this prep school in London will provide a variety of activities to students so that they can enhance their team building skills, but this does mean they are going to be tested in many different ways.
Here are some ways you can help your child become a great team player over time, with the skills you teach them and the support your child’s school will bring them.
Explore your child’s passions
A good way to teach your child any kind of skill is going to be through the activities they enjoy on a regular basis. Lean into those as your child grows, as it can be the best way to approach new skills with them.
This is also a great opportunity for children to explore team building skills through the hobbies and passions they have. For example, if your child is a keen artist, you can explore making decisions in groups to put together an art project for the school. This will rely on your child learning to accept other people’s decisions, which will help them with their confidence in talking to others.
Use board games
It might seem trivial, but a board game often relies on a child either working in pairs, groups or individually – each of which will help children with their understanding of teamwork. Use a board game to help your child with their understanding of communication and making the right decisions for their team. Quick thinking is needed to stay on top in these situations as well, a very useful tool to know about when your child is developing the skills needed to work well in a team.
Pose different problems in front of them
Being able to solve all kinds of problems really helps with your child’s ability to be comfortable in handling anything that comes up. When playing sports for example a lot of problems arise in front of your child’s eyes, which is why they are used very often as a great opportunity for children to develop all kinds of skills.
At home you can also continue to do this. Start by putting problems up in front of your child, or role play issues in front of them. That will always help your child feel confident in coming up against any sorts of issues that come up, especially when it comes to listening to others in a large group.
Teams rely on a lot of different elements to a group that leads them on the path to victory, they can only do that when everyone is pulling their weight, which is why it’s very beneficial to their growth.