Home Renovation Ideas for New Homeowners

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Owning a new home is as thrilling as it is overwhelming.  Although you may view your home through rose-colored glasses for the first couple of months, there’s always something that can be changed or updated.

What’s your main focus for your home?

Do you want to resell it soon, or do you want to make it as perfect for yourself as possible?

Luckily for most people, these wishes align with updating some of these critical areas.  These changes aren’t necessary to make your home livable: but you should want your house to be more than just comfortable.

Take Care of Your Cabinets

The top complaints from more people who are house hunting are the color or texture of the walls or cabinets.  This project is easier to do when you’re first moving in before you’ve filled the cupboards with all of your belongings.

You can remove the cabinets entirely, or you can work https://www.hgtv.com/lifestyle/real-estate/house-hunting-mistakes-to-avoidwith them on the wall: it’s easier if you at least entirely remove the doors and drawers.

Sand down all of the surfaces you want to paint, and tape off any areas you want to leave untouched.  This will allow the paint to stay better.  Prime the surface to ensure your color comes out vivid, and then paint in two or three coats in a paint that’s safe for kitchen cabinets.

You can also stain cabinets!  You’ll still need to sand them first and then follow the instructions on the brand of stain you purchase!

From here, replace all of the knobs and pulls, or add in some if you want them.  Beautiful cabinets can make a kitchen feel so much more personal and inviting.

Update Your Bathroom

Although this update won’t bring in a lot of money: it will improve your quality of life.  If you have to stare at dirty grout while you brush your teeth, or you find yourself not wanting to walk in your bathroom with bare feet, that’s a problem!  When you were looking at Whistler homes for sale to see this one, you didn’t do it so that you’d want to avoid an entire room.

Instead, you can paint your tile, replace it, or deep clean your grout.  From there, either replace your tub or make your tub sparkling clean.  Create a space of elegant comfort!  A fresh coat of paint, a soft bath mat, and some matching decor can create a bathroom anyone would love to take a bubble bath in.

Think About Your Living Spaces

Open spaces are more popular than ever this year: but this doesn’t mean your home should lack furniture or decor.  Consider which rooms need more space and which can give a little.  If you have a tiny dining room with a small sitting room next door that you know nobody will use: why deal with two small spaces when you can have one large one?  Taking out a wall can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing, so either seek out the help of a contractor or thoroughly do your research before attempting this!  A larger living room is far better than an empty room of couches you’ll never use.

One very simple and effective way to update your home is by replacing your old skirting boards with new ones. Something so small can have a big impact on how a home looks and feels. 

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