Phone Contracts vs Pay-as-you-go: 3 Reasons Why Getting a Phone Contract is Better in 2021
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When mobile phones first became popular in the UK with everyday people in the early 2000s, most mobile phone users paid on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis. The pay-as-you-go method of payment means purchasing credit in advance to pay for mobile services such as text messages and phone calls.
When you have used up all your pay as you go credit, you are unable to access the requested service and send any more texts and make further calls. However, in the digital age of 2021 where mobile phones are needed on a daily basis to communicate properly with friends, family, work colleagues and frankly whoever, many customers opt instead for phones on monthly contracts.
We have gone a little bit deeper and come up with a couple of reasons why getting a phone contract today is your best option.
Contract Plans are Best for Heavy Phone Users
Pay-as-you-go is only really a good idea and value for money for people who don’t intend on using the phone very much. Pay-as-you-go only really suits users who want to make a few short calls every few days, send a small amount of text messages every month, and use a little amount or no data at all.
In 2021, we are all glued to our phones much more than ever. Nowadays most people require an increased number of monthly allowances, this may mean unlimited minutes for calls, unlimited texts, and unlimited data access. For people who use their phones a lot for social purposes, professional workplace communications, or for whatever reason, getting a phone with a contract plan is the best option.
If you have a bad credit rating and looking to find affordable contract phones for bad credit, check out Accept Phones.
Mobile Phone Handsets Under a Contract Can Be Restored or Replaced at No Extra Cost
One major advantage of having a phone with a contract is that some contracts offer you access to a range of useful maintenance services and will repair or even replace your phone should it get damaged, lost, or stolen.
To know whether you are entitled to a free repair or replacement due to a fault, or the loss or damage of your phone under contract you must have a good read through the terms and conditions of your phone provider’s contract that you signed up to.
When considering if you can get your phone repaired or replacement for free, ask yourself questions such as is the handset itself part of your contract? Do the terms and conditions of the contract cover accidental damage you are responsible for? Are loss and theft covered in the contract? Is water damage covered?
One disadvantage of contracts for expensive handsets can be that sometimes your contract will not cover damage that you are responsible for, and you may have to pay quite a lot for a replacement or to repair yourself. Some repairs, such as a cracked phone screen can cost more than a new phone, so take the time to explore all of your options.
Phone Contracts Can Mean Later on You’re Entitled to an Upgrade
Are you becoming restless with your phone and dying to get your hands on the latest upgrade?
Fortunately, phone contracts reward loyalty and therefore often at the end of 24-month contracts you will be offered an upgraded handset. This may be the latest hi-tech mobile fresh off the shelves with all the latest technology, such as the iPhone 12.