
How to Be More Involved in Your Child’s Education

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When it comes to a child’s academic success, parental involvement is more important than you might think. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to show your child that you are committed to their education, as explored below by a private girls’ school in Hertfordshire.

Communicate with Teachers

Try and keep in touch with your child’s teachers throughout the year, not just at Parents’ Evening. Doing so will allow you to stay up to date with your child’s progress, ask any questions you might have, and show your child that you value their education and their teachers’ input. 

Talk About School

Chat to your child about their day at school but be sure to ask open-ended questions and mix up the topic of conversation. Here are some examples of things you could ask:

  • What was your favourite lesson today? Why?
  • What was your least favourite lesson? Why?
  • What are you learning about in science/geography/English?
  • What did you do on your lunch break? Who did you spend it with?

Talking to your child about school will show them that you care. It might help if you have an idea of your child’s timetable so that you can tailor your questions to the lessons they had that day.

Attend School Events

If possible, try and be present at any events your child will be taking part in at school, like a play or music recital. This will show them that you have a genuine interest in both their academic and extra-curricular achievements, and you are willing to support them no matter what.

Help with Homework

Another way to demonstrate your involvement is to help your child with their homework. This doesn’t mean answering questions on their behalf, it’s more about keeping them on the right track and showing them how to solve problems independently.

As you can see, there are lots of things you can do to become more involved in your child’s education. It’s simply about showing them that you care and staying clued up on what’s going on in their school life, particularly with regards to their progression. 

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