Take Charge Of Your Finances With Chip
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Can you believe it’s January already? Hopefully you managed to keep control over your finances over Christmas, but if not, you’re not alone! According to research, more than 50% of people struggle financially over the festive period.
Whatever the case, a brand new year is a great time to resolve to take charge of your finances and ace your money management this year.
Whether you struggle with saving money, setting goals or keeping to them, Chip can help.
Start the year by taking charge of your finances…
What is Chip?
Chip is a clever app that automatically puts money aside for you based on your spending habits. Quietly working away in the background, using AI to scan your transaction data to stash your spare pounds for you!
How does it work?
Chip connects to your bank, uses data from your transaction history and your profile to calculate how much you can afford to save, and put it aside for you.
Because Chip works out how much you can afford to save without you missing it, you’ll be surprised at how quickly and easily you reach your 2020 goals.
As well as automatic saves, you can also manually save whenever you like. You’ll have the chance to cancel an automatic save before any money leaves your bank account.
You can download Chip on iOS or Android and it’s easy to set up. Download the app, enter your details (name, address etc) and plug into your bank account using online banking details or scan your card and you’ll be on your way!
Hit those 2020 goals with Chip!
Chip is giving you a kick-start to reach your 2020 goals.
The app has a dashboard where you can set your personal goals and you can see your target quickly getting closer so you can book that holiday, clear that overdraft, buy that dress that’s been in your wish list for weeks and join the 150,000 who are already feeling better about their money.