Is Organic Baby Food Worth the Money? 

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Every parent has heard about conventional and organic baby formulas. American parents ordered organic formula at European online shops when local stores ran out of American baby food because of the pandemic. The price for such parcels was impressive, and they often asked online communities whether the benefits of organic baby food were worth paying that high cost. Let’s learn the truth.

What Does Organic Mean?

Organic food is natural and excludes the human “touch.” It means that farmers don’t use fertilizers, pesticides, ionization, radiation, and other harmful substances to grow vegetables, fruit, and grass for animal feeding. The air we breathe and the water we drink are full of gasses, metals, and chemicals. So, when a person buys organic food, they reduce the risks of getting an extra portion of chemicals. 

Some organic products can have harmful ingredients without the company’s awareness. They penetrate products through air, water, and soil. That’s why the European Food Safety Authority sets high demands for farmers who supply organic baby food companies with the required ingredients. They must do their best to water plants and feed animals safely. Moreover, farmers mustn’t use chemical fertilizers to avoid soil pollution. They must find a remote place to secure water, soil, and air from chemicals provided by cars, factories, and acid rain. 

Why are Organic Foods Expensive?

When the shelves with baby formula became empty, parents started searching for alternatives online. The European market went on producing formulas and delivering parcels to their overseas partners. American parents had to pay extra fees for the delivery and organic products. American stores had no legal right to sell European baby foods because of labeling requirements and governmental policy.

Organic baby food is always more expensive than conventional food. The reason is evident because companies and farmers spend much to get safe products and guarantee sterile baby food production. Besides, they hire labs to test their products regularly to correspond to international standards.

Is Organic Baby Food Worth the Spent Money?

Natural clothes, comfortable beds, orthopedic mattresses, and health and body care products for kids are relatively expensive.  Should parents spend more on a baby when buying organic baby formula and supplementary foods? One should consider the following benefits it provides.

  • European baby food doesn’t have sugar, salt, and artificial taste enhancers.
  • Organic products don’t contain chemicals and harmful ingredients.
  • The used bottles and packs are BPA and toxins free.
  • European companies make formulas with several stages to adapt them to the needs of babies of various ages.
  • European brands make their goods nutritious.

Consequently, organic baby formula is worth each penny because it gives all the required nutrients to a baby safely. Babies get used to natural food and develop healthy eating habits from the first days of their life. Due to that, children don’t become dependent on sugar and artificial taste enhancers. 

Even though American companies use only allowed ingredients in their baby formulas, the FDA doesn’t regard sugar and most stabilizers as harmful. So, it’s up to parents to decide whether to buy them.

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